Strengths Academy

Join our academy to amplify the impact


A community of Strengths Champions and Strengths-based leaders that engage in learning activities together, support each other and learn from each other, to fully foster Strengths-based leadership and culture within their team or organisation.

Community members

When you've completed one of our courses you will grant access to our Strengths Academy for the coming year.


Theme Tuesday

This consists of a bi-weekly webinar on Tuesday on a particular strength in which one of our experts guides you through all the in's and out's regarding this strength. We deepdive on it's essence, the effect is has on all domains, unproductive and productive usage of the strength, practical tips to leverage this strength and the effect this strength has on leadership. Of course we also have dedicated time to ask questions to our expert. Through Theme Tuesday you'll deepen your knowledge and coaching skills regarding a specific strength.

Live Leadership Learning

This is a monthly online workshop for community members only on Thursday provided by one of our experts where we delve into all facets of Strengths-based leadership and how to foster a Strengths-based culture within organizations. The topics vary per months, but all contribute to greater understanding, knowledge and skills to implement the strengths-based approach in your team or organisation.



For our Strengths Champions we offer regular individual supervision sessions with one of our experts to provide you with advice and practical tips & tricks to guide you in the journey to build a Strengths-based culture. We stand by your side to achieve a long lasting culture change within your team or organisation.


For our Strengths-based leaders we offer individual intervision sessions with one of our experts to coach you and to provide you with advice and practical tips & tricks to guide you in this journey in becoming a Strengths-based leaders. We help you to achieve a powerful and longlasting change in your leadership to bring out the best in people.

Why do you want to be part of our community?

To deepen your understanding of the strengths-based approach and connect with others who share your vision and amplify our impact together!

Get in Touch

We would love to tell you more about our services.