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Transforming the workplace


We build Strengths-based cultures within teams and organizations by recognizing, unlocking, and maximizing their true potential. Creating workplaces where everyone can be more of their best selves.

Our approach unlocks individual and collective potential, fostering an engaged work culture, increasing collaboration, and boosting performance.

We offer Strengths-based coaching, training, and inspiration to individuals, teams, leaders, and organizations to bring out their best. We use the CliftonStrengths tool developed by Gallup to unlock unique Strengths.

"Focus on what’s strong, instead of what’s wrong"

89% of our clients actively recommend us

Our feedback survey reveals.

Expert Knowledge & Personal Approach

Our clients choose us first and foremost for these two factors.

We’ve trained 100+ teams in the last 6 years

Therefore, we understand your challenges.

We're more than just consultants;
we're partners in this journey.

We stand by your side when you adopt the Strengths-based approach.

Strengths Culture

We build Strengths-based cultures within teams and organisations

“Weakness fixing prevents failure,

strengths building leads to success”

Don Clifton

What does it bring?

Higher engagement


When people do what they do best everyday engagement increases significantly by 23%.

By working Strengths-based, people are empowered to bring out their best, leveraging their unique Strengths.

This leads to higher profits, as people are more efficient, more productive, happier and collaboration is enhanced within teams.

Working Strengths-based has a direct effect on the performance of an organization, resulting in higher profits by 29%.

Higher Profits


*results from Gallup's Meta Analysis

We wrote a book

Learning about Strengths is a way to discover and utilize what is powerful about you. With this way of thinking, you can learn to copy what works for you in effective grocery shopping and paste it into your project management. Strengths help us understand why certain behaviors make someone more productive.

By providing practical prompts, exercises, and advice we take you on a journey to make your life strengths-based.


Get in touch

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Frequently asked questions and answers